I have heard of Chia Seeds once before when I was looking through one of Tosca Reno's meal plans and saw them. I didn't think much of it, what can some seeds do for my diet and weight loss journey? Nothing...or so I thought!

How to use Chia Seeds:
- One way you (my favourite way) can eat them is to mix one tablespoon of chia seeds with 1/3 cup water, stir and let them sit for a minimum of 10 minutes or even 1 hour depending on when you need to eat them. Stirring every once in a while to break up any clumps. After soaking they form a jelly like outer layer that is virtually tasteless and have the constituency of Tapioca.
- You can also add them dry into pancakes, muffins, on salad and more!

I found mine at my local London Drugs in the organic/spices aisle from a brand called TruRoots for $12.99 for a whole bag which lasts a long time and is well worth the money.
Turns out these little seeds are packed with benefits!
(In order to enjoy all the health and nutritional benefits of chia seeds, it is recommended that at least 1 to 4 table spoons be consumed daily. They also do not need to be ground like flax seeds does in order for your body to absorb the vitamins and essential fatty acids)
Bursting with Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty acids, fiber and B-vitamins, Chia Seeds also contain high levels of protein and calcium. Chia seeds contain more omega-3 than any fish out there, equivalent to about 8 times what is normally found in pink salmon!
When Chia Seeds are exposed to water – its complex structure of dietary fiber absorbs the water and turns into a gel. When this gel gets into our digestive system, it does two things:
1. Effectively scours and cleans our intestinal tract, which improves our body’s nutrient absorption; secondly, it acts as a barrier between the walls of our intestines and any carbohydrates we consume. This barrier slows down and stabilizes the absorption of sugar into our blood stream. This means that the energy from this sugar lasts longer and is used more efficiently by the body. This is particularly beneficial to people suffering from diabetes, for whom the constant monitoring and maintenance of blood sugar levels is an essential, if tedious, fact of life.
2. The gel’s ability to hold water and make the body feel full for longer make chia seeds an attractive alternative for athletes and dieters alike.
Below are more comparisons of Chia Seeds VS. other food:
See this website for the top ten reasons why Chia Seeds are so good for you and your diet:
or this informative video on Chia Seeds:
How to use Chia Seeds:
- One way you (my favourite way) can eat them is to mix one tablespoon of chia seeds with 1/3 cup water, stir and let them sit for a minimum of 10 minutes or even 1 hour depending on when you need to eat them. Stirring every once in a while to break up any clumps. After soaking they form a jelly like outer layer that is virtually tasteless and have the constituency of Tapioca.
- You can also add them dry into pancakes, muffins, on salad and more!
I found mine at my local London Drugs in the organic/spices aisle from a brand called TruRoots for $12.99 for a whole bag which lasts a long time and is well worth the money.
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